Unlike lemon, its scent is drier, lighter and...
Unlike lemon, its scent is drier, lighter and sweeter. It is good for the heart for its mineral content such as potassium, which can regulate the heartbeat and blood pressure.
The Mixer puree concentrate contains the best ripe...
The Mixer puree concentrate contains the best ripe bananas from Ecuador and is perfect for various delicious and sweet preparations, for example combining it with chocolate, but above all it finds different and interesting uses in mixing.
The name “passion fruit” derives from the shape...
The name “passion fruit” derives from the shape of its flower, which recalls the crown of thorns of the Passion of Christ. Passion fruit is particularly digestible and has numerous beneficial properties, for example it promotes intestinal regularity and counteracts the formation of cholesterol thanks to the presence of pectin.
Very widespread in Italy as one of the...
Very widespread in Italy as one of the most consumed summer fruits, Mixer creates its puree concentrate from ripe Italian peaches so as to always have them fresh all year round. There are numerous drinks in which it can be used, alcoholic and non-alcoholic.
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