Mouthwatering flavours of delicious almond reminiscent of pastries...
Mouthwatering flavours of delicious almond reminiscent of pastries with sweet notes balanced with light & delicate bitter notes on the finish.
A ripe tropical fruit flavour. It tastes sweet...
A ripe tropical fruit flavour. It tastes sweet and tart, all at the same time. A rich intensely flavoured syrup with plenty of texture and a long-lasting exotic note of passionfruit at the finish too.
Rich dark cocoa flavours. A deliciously complex combination,...
Rich dark cocoa flavours. A deliciously complex combination, gently sweetened by a praline taste and a little bit of vanilla.
The wonderful taste of freshly made caramel, cooked...
The wonderful taste of freshly made caramel, cooked to the point of sticking. Just enough ‘burnt’ flavour to offer real character.
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