Beautiful blend of tart and sweet flavours that...
Beautiful blend of tart and sweet flavours that makes this the perfect refresher on a hot day. The note of sweet lime is followed by the essence of the flavour with all the complexity in its entirety: zest, skin and juice all at once.
The bitter grapefruit is enhanced by the floral...
The bitter grapefruit is enhanced by the floral sweetness of the lychee to create a sweet, refreshing finish.
Sharp fruity flavour with a tangy note to...
Sharp fruity flavour with a tangy note to finish. Granny Smith skin is also easily detected. This is a great ingredient for fun summer cocktails
A ripe tropical fruit flavour. It tastes sweet...
A ripe tropical fruit flavour. It tastes sweet and tart, all at the same time. A rich intensely flavoured syrup with plenty of texture and a long-lasting exotic note of passionfruit at the finish too.
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